
Computer science and cryptography enthusiastic. Passionate about sports. After being dissapointed studying another kind of engineering I decided to move myself into computer science engineering at UAB, was at that point when I discovered the cryptocurrencies world and since then my life has become really interesting making projects in order to change the world !


Factorial HR 2023-05-02 —

Software Engineer

Magenta Market 2022-05-01 —


Uniq Ventures 2020-11-16 — 2023-03-31

Full stack Engineer

Creating a fintech ecosystem in Southern Europe and Latin America.


  • Working mainly on Vesto project as a rails backend developer.

Vesto 2020-11-16 — 2023-03-31

Full stack Engineer

Creating a fintech ecosystem in Southern Europe and Latin America.


  • We make investing accessible, simple and easy to understand.

Actuatech 2020-07-01 — 2020-11-15

Full stack Engineer


  • Collaborated in such different projects to improve the IT ecosystem in the country

BTC Assessors 2018-06-01 — 2020-06-30

Full stack blockchain developer


  • Working on blockchain technologies. Building the future block by block.

Ilimit Cloud & Telecom 2017-09-14 — 2018-05-31

Blockchain Developer

Ilimit is a provider of technology and telecommunications services aimed at companies. Founded in 1995, it currently has over 1,000 clients and well-established infrastructure of a data centre and proprietary IP network.


  • Working on blockchain technologies such Hyperledger. Also, doing some research over the Bitcoin network.

Informàtica Ajuntament Sabadell 2017-03-10 — 2017-07-18


Company internships made while finishing the undergraduate studies at UAB. Helped there in the day by day work,making such a variety of things related to security, telecommunications and pentesting.

Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) 2013-09-15 — 2017-06-15

Computer Science Engineering
University Degree


  • Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors
  • Using Python to access web data
  • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
  • Blockchain for Business -An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) 2017-09-21 — 2018-06-30

IT Security
Master Degree

1st place at University degree's gamification program

Awarded 2016-06-25
TOP Enginyeria is an engineering gamification program implemented in several engineering degrees that aims students to go further than classes with extra projects, competitions, challenges and games apart from traditional classes, awarding the best students with symbolic rewards and extra activities to motivate them in their studies and improve their rivailry to get the best performance possible

Best academic profile

Awarded 2017-11-24
by Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
Best expedient award granted during the graduation ceremony.

Payment Channels over Bitcoin Network 2017-07-28

Published by UAB

Bitcoin 'offchain' payment channels development over the Bitcoin network to improve Bitcoin scalability and increase transaction throughput between a group of parties using transactions out of the blockchain and game theory.

Bitcoin cloud nodes 2018-06-11

Published by UOC

This work aims to offer an alternative to install nodes individually and wants to provide a solution to the expensive needs for every node.

Programming Languages

  • Bash/shell
  • C / C++
  • Dart
  • HTML / CSS
  • Java / J2EE / JSP
  • Javascript
  • JSON
  • Kotlin
  • Matlab
  • PHP
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • SQL
  • TypeScript
  • XML


  • Angular
  • Flutter
  • NodeJS
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Spring Boot
  • Tailwind css


  • AWS
  • Docker
  • GitHub CI/CD
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Heroku


  • Symmetric cryptography (AES, DSA)
  • Assymetric cryptography (RSA, ElGamal, ECDSA)
  • Public Key Infrastucture (PKI)
  • Zero-Knowledge proofs
  • Shared-secret-schemes


  • Bitcoin
  • Elements
  • Ethereum
  • Hyperledger
  • Multichain
Native speaker
Native speaker

Reading / Writing
